Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Snus (snoose) Junction

In Seattle the Ballard neighborhood, north of downtown, has been know as Snus Junction in the past.  It was its own city about 100 years ago, and due to its coastal and I suppose northerly location it was home to many Scandinavians.  The Scandinavian fondness for using snus earned it the name Snus Junction.  It was annexed by the city of Seattle in the early 20th century and has become a fun neighborhood these days.  Ballard still keeps some of its Scandinavian heritage though, so I thought it Snus Junction would be a fitting name for a blog about snus.
Snus is a Swedish form of smokeless tobacco that has been attributed to a very low risk of any tobacco related disease.  I used to be a moderately heavy smoker, about a pack a day, when I discovered snus about three years ago.  I find that I enjoy snus much more than I ever really enjoyed smoking and I think it is the only thing that ever would have allowed me to quit smoking.  I tried to quit smoking many times in the past, and even after all of the nicotine had left my system I would still have strong cravings for months.  The most I ever managed without any nicotine whatsoever was six months.  I had a craving every single day of that period.
In a way snus saved my life.
I want information about snus to be more readily available, that is why I have started this blog.
I will be doing product reviews as well as linking new and old research regarding health and snus news.
Thanks for checking in!

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